Ukronakh – Stonewounds
CHF 12.00
1. Коли тіні блукають (As Shadows Wander) 09:19
2. Мова моя мохом поросла (My Speech Grew with Moss) 05:45
3. Де журба обіймається зі злістю (Where Sorrow Embraces Anger) 07:34
4. Подихом чорних небес (Breath of Black Sky) 06:58
5. Зорі поміж гілля (Stars Between Branches) 06:14
6. Мертвою тишою поміж курганами (By Dead Silence Between Mounds) 05:40
7. Він малював туманом гір (He Was Painting by the Highland Mist) 06:59
Produits associés

Conviction – Conviction
1. Prologue Affliction 00:50
2. Voices of the Dead 06:52
3. Through the Window 09:43
4. Curse of the Witch 05:28
5. Outworn 09:40
6. Wrong Life 08:26
7. Castles Made of Shame 07:27
8. My Sanctuary 11:18

Aherusia – As I Cross The Seas Of My Soul
1. Flisvos 04:09
2. Archipelagos 08:26
3. Mano Incognitum 07:28
4. Arbor Martyrum 08:29
5. Ε Η Θ (Ελευθερία ή θάνατος) 09:28
6. Path of Thorns 08:27
7. From Abyss 08:13
8. Hic Hiemat Aeternatus 11:23

Algebra – Polymorph
1. S.O.B. 05:30
2. Pig Corporation 04:47
3. Deviant 04:03
4. Away from Us All 04:50
5. Polymorph 05:10
6. Tim’s Calvary 05:37
7. Insane Times 03:43
8. (K)YFOSOLYF 05:46
9. Crook 04:08

Conjonctive – In The Mouth Of The Devil
1 Purgatory
2 You’re Next
3 Falling In The Mouth Of The Devil
4 Down Into The Abyss
5 Let Blow The Grim Wind
6 The Cult Of The Shining Planet
7 Burn You Eyes
8 Hills Of Abomination
9 Defeat The Red Sun
10 Constellations & Black Holes

Bodies In The Gears Of Apparatus – Simian Hybrid Prototype
1 A Lubricated Rubber Glove & Pornographic Photos Of A Decapitated Chinese Hooker 2:56
2 Of Things To Come 2:30
3 Love Affair With A Mannequin 2:13
4 Big, Bad, Mean & Nasty 1:53
5 Hoist The Black Flag (And Begin Slitting Throats) 0:47
6 Seventeen Reasons To Die Wearing Black 0:49
7 Fuck Her Like You Paid For It 2:09
8 The Ugliest Smile In Rock & Roll 0:18
9 White Trash Whore 3:10
10 Fuck The Middle East 0:24
11 Last Words Can Be So Cliche 1:58

Cremaster – Pümpernikel
1. Stairway to Snot 02:32
2. Hellvis Presley 02:53
3. Chocolate Daemon 01:56
4. Dentist the Sadist 02:57
5. Child in Clock 02:12
6. New Kids on the Cock 01:28
7. Long Live Grind’n’roll 03:01
8. Zos Daewoo Cultus 01:16
9. Dirty Danzig 01:46
10. Non Opus Gay 02:10
11. Diabolous in Vatican 02:09
12. Jailbreak 03:36
13. Diabolical Fullsun Hedonism 01:51
14. Bohemian Rap-city 01:53
15. The Dark Side of the Side of the Dark 02:06
16. Spread (Scream & Shout) 02:20
17. David Lee Gorgo-roth 01:43
18. Fear of the Pork 02:22
19. Killed by the Hammer of Steel of the Ring of the Dragon of Metal of the Mighty Warrior’s Sword 02:21

Anihilated – Parth To Destruction/Speedwell Sessions
1. Innocent Victims 05:25
2. Anihilated 06:14
3. Thunderflash 03:42
4. Shadows of Fear 04:06
5. 40 Dumb Animals 03:34
6. Ethiopia 02:38
7. Thunderflash 04:04
8. Inferno 04:02
9. Shadows of Fear 03:37
10. Thunderflash (live) 03:56
11. 40 Dumb Animals (live) 03:38
12. Ethiopia (live) 03:00
13. Anihilated (live) 06:30

Castleway – Tales From The Old Times
1. The First Battle 05:00
2. Valkyrior 04:14
3. Deep Down in Hel 03:09
4. Fenrir’s Revenge 03:34
5. Korobeïniki 03:21
6. Witness 03:09
7. Shaman 04:26
8. The Herald 04:10
9. The Young Man I Was 05:01
10. Lai Lai Lai Lai Hey 05:21